Scott AndersonGenesis 12:1-4 † Psalm 121 † Romans 4:1-5, 13-17† John 3:1-17 Have you ever wondered why Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night? What do you suppose could be possible reasons for this? It is a striking detail to include, especially given what he says next: So Nicodemus knows that what is happening has everything to do with the presence and the power of God. It rings with truth. He knows it. Yet he appears to be sneaking around, keeping his identity protected, proceeding with caution, and maybe even a little fear. And did you notice, even though its just him, he says, “We”
Scott AndersonIf you haven’t already, you may want to get to know these faces. These are neighbors of ours, young Americans predominantly from the northwest, with others scattered throughout the country. They range in age from 10 years-old to their mid-twenties. And they are suing the federal government for knowingly causing climate change and violating their constitutional rights. They are litigants of the youth climate lawsuit known as Juliana v. United States.
Their complaint asserts that, through the government’s affirmative actions that cause climate change, it has violated the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property, as well as failed to protect essential public trust resources. The constitutional climate lawsuit was originally filed in Oregon in 2015 and has been making its way through the court system. The expectation is that the lawsuit will finally go to trial late this year, although that could change given the considerable resistance it has received from the federal government and corporate interests throughout the process. Maggie BreenReadings for this Sunday:
2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33 | Psalm 130 | Ephesians 4:25-5:2 | John 6:35, 41-51 We have been reading this story of David all summer. Now I don’t know about you but I have had a hard time following along. I have grasped bits and pieces and been able to connect ideas here and there that are relevant to my life today, but overall I haven’t really been captivated by all that’s been going on. And this week as we jump six chapters ahead from where we left it last week to this story of Absalom, I have been left wondering why we are even reading this? |
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