This ministry provides an operational foundation for our role as Christians. It supports our commitment to sustain and renew our community in responsible ways.
"God calls the church in the power of the Holy Spirit to participate in God's work of creation and preservation. God has given humankind awesome power and perilous responsibility to rule and tame the earth, to sustain and reshape it, to replenish and renew it."Book of Order W-7.5001
About the Logo Image: The tree trunk is based on the female figure from the Worship & the Arts image. The limbs of this life-giving tree are outstretched arms embracing creation—people, plants, animals. Can you spot the apple, bird, and pear? In the liturgical year, the green color of growth represents Ordinary Time.
Compassion, Justice & Peace
This ministry exercises compassion and advocates for people who seek dignity, freedom, and respect in the world; supporting actions to correct wrongs; feeding the hungry; caring for the ill and people with disabilities; and seeking the common good.
"God sends the church in the power of the Holy Spirit to exercise compassion... and to share with Christ in establishing God's just, peaceable, and loving rule in the world." Book of Order W-7.3001, W-7.4001
About the Logo Image: Blue is the liturgical color representing Advent. The waters of baptism wash us in the goodness of God's creation. We are reborn in the grace of God's faithful promise. Like the ripples of water that ebb from the center to the margins, the Holy Spirit empowers and sends the church as Christ's body, to bless the world God loves.
Proclamation & Evangelism
This ministry forms our members, their families, and our community in response to Christ's gifts to humanity. Their aim is to demonstrate a welcoming environment for those in need of spiritual nurturing.
"God sends the church in the power of the Holy Spirit to announce the good news that in Christ Jesus the world is reconciled to God... to tell all nations and peoples... to proclaim in deed and word... to offer in Christ's name... to call people everywhere to follow... and to invite them into the community of faith..." Book of Order W-7.2001
About the Logo Image: The flame represents spirit. On the liturgical calendar, red is the color for Pentecost and special occasions such as ordinations. Light and passion—an unquenchable spark of the divine that exists in us and among us. Sometimes it flickers and can be fragile, but when tended and fueled gives light and a way forward.
Worship & the Arts
This ministry supports and provides an environment for Christian community to come together in our unique way, for praise and thanksgiving in Word and Sacraments.
"The lives of Christians and all they have belong to the Creator and are to be offered to God in worship. As sign and symbol of this self-offering, the people of God have presented their creations and material possessions to God. The richness of color, texture, form, sound, and motion has been brought into the act of worship." Book of Order W-1.3034
About the Logo Image: Three different human figures, with arms raised in worship, represent the diversity and inclusiveness of our worshiping community and of the triune God. The color purple recalls the season of Lent and its invitation to prepare for God's presence.