What to Expect at WorshipWe believe that worship holds our questions and shapes who we are and hope to be, so we try to draw on all our senses and seek beauty, clarity and active participation in all that we do.
You might consider the style “traditional” but if you listen closely, you’ll hear and sing music from all over the world and from many genres. We hope things are “pretty” but we value more the beauty of the gifts that all ages bring to our life together, and you will usually see all ages involved. In the worship aid, you'll notice our service is divided into four sections: Gathering, Word, Eucharist (which means "Giving Thanks"), and Sending. This four-fold movement takes us on a specific journey in our service. It models the kind of life we seek together in the world—practices in life that give meaning and make us whole. Other Aspects of WorshipIf you haven’t been to church for a while, or if you’re not familiar with our particular tradition, please don’t worry. We’re adjusting to changes too and we try to help each other out. In our particular (Reformed) tradition, we have a saying for that: “the church reformed and always being reformed.” It is our way of remembering that God always seems to be more relevant than we are so we have catching up to do!
Most things you should be able to pick up from the worship aid or from those around you. We take an offering weekly and communion at least once a month as part of our practice of giving thanks (remember, “Eucharist”), but don’t feel obligated. We seek integrity in all we do and we want that for you too. |
About CommunionWe celebrate communion every week. We use grape juice, rather than wine and have a gluten-free bread option. Most Sundays we serve it at the front, and people come forward. You are welcome, but, of course, you can choose to participate or not, as meets your comfort level and spiritual desire that day.
Fellowship after WorshipWe love to talk to each other. And we love to eat. We find as many opportunities as we can to build friendships, knowing they pay off down the line. Please do stay and talk with us as much as you’re comfortable. We’d love to hear your story!
After Your VisitIf you have any questions, please ask them. You’ll find information and contacts here on the website, and if you’re unsure, just call or email the church office and we’ll gladly tell you what we know… and don’t know.