Set your space for worship and then enter in. What elements do you find essential today? Surely your daily bread, wine or juice, a community, something beautiful. The elements of survival. What we need to thrive. Connections with AndreaPreludeAs we gather, we remember that in our Sunday worship this is a time to also gather our joys and concerns. If you have a prayers you would like to share, please do so here. These will be shared by email to our St Andrew prayer list so that we pray for what you hold by name. This information is not shared online in a searchable form. And now, as we enter into worship, you may find the text of this gathering song to be ironic, or even poignant for what isn’t. And yet, there is something about our singing that ushers truth into being, even as it looks different than we might expect, even as we are reforming our understanding of our unity in this moment of history. Gathering SongHoly God, as we reflect on the mystery and the miracle of your presence with us and amongst us, anchor us in your love, ground us in your peace, and open us to the truth and the comfort of your Holy Spirit, today and always. Amen. Opening Hymn“I will send another advocate,” Jesus tells his disciples. God is first of all about advocacy, about adoption, about our common well-being. So breathe. Give thanks—for God’s presence in friends, companions, structures and systems that bless and sustain and seek a common good. Give thanks for the earth and its gifts to us, for shelter, for human caring and contact, for inspiring generosity, for our solid life together as a church, in community, that sustains us even while apart. The peace of Christ be with you! Now, bless someone else. Send a text to a couple of people. Make a call. Who comes to mind for you? Wish them well. More than that, wish them peace. Then click below. The WordCome Holy Spirit, our helper and advocate: Open our hearts and minds this day, entice us with your presence. Spark us with a word of life-- a message that we may share with others as we seek to live Christ’s love in the world. All this we ask in the name of God, who creates, redeems, and sustains us. Amen. Acts 17:22-31 † Psalm 66 † 1 Peter 3:13-22 † John 14:15-21 Psalm ResponseMeditationA printed version of this sermon is available here. Song of ResponseGive ThanksToday, we again commune together in our worship. Set the elements—some bread, some juice or wine—in the living room or kitchen where you experience worship electronically in these days with our faith community. Perhaps you want to put them on a lovely cloth or fabric that reminds you of a special time or person. Is there a picture or object that reminds you of God’s faithful presence? Include that too. Light a candle or place a flower or the photograph of someone you wish to bring into the circle of faith beside the bread and the cup. Do not underestimate the power of objects to sharpen and strengthen our memories and renew our faith. Thank you for taking yourself as seriously as God takes us! If you have a joy or concern you would like to share, please do so here. These will be shared by email to our St Andrew prayer list so that we pray for what you hold by name. This information is not shared online in a searchable form. As we respond to God's grace and new life, consider those ways you can express gratitude and thanksgiving even, and especially, where you are! And remember that we continue to keep our financial commitments to our mission partners and staff. Thank you for remembering to send in your financial pledges and offerings! Sending SongBlessing and ChargeBeloved siblings, God sees you and hears you. God is for you—an advocate, an adoptive parent-- more than you or I can possibly imagine. So in peace serve Christ, and always be eager to do what is good. And may God, who creates, redeems, and advocates, keep you steadfast in faith, buoyant in hope, and abounding in love. And the blessing of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always.
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