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Luther King, Jr. was doing, but of him specifically as a leader, as a human being. When Gallup asked the same question again in 2011, only 4% of Americans rated King negatively. According to the 1966 Gallup survey, 63% of Americans disapproved not just of what Martin Luther King, Jr. was doing, but of him specifically as a leader, as a human being. When Gallup asked the same question again in 2011, only 4% of Americans rated King negatively. There is an arc to history. As a people, we may be slow, but we do move and change and grow. It takes time. Perhaps this is something of what Jesus understood as he faced the Chief Priests and elders (presbyters in the Greek!!) and confronted their duplicity. Even as events would turn tragic, he saw beyond the cross to the resurrection of true religion—compassion, empathy, self-giving that would come. Hold on then. Keep moving in the same direction. Keep practicing what we preach. And perhaps consider ways in which you are being opened and transformed in this extraordinary time. The rejected has become the cornerstone… “this was the Lord’s doing, and it is amazing in our eyes!” Enter into worship. PreludeIf you have prayers you would like to share, please do so here. These will be shared by email to our St Andrew prayer list so that we pray for what you hold by name. This information is not shared online in a searchable form. Gathering SongHoly Creator, Holy God, the heavens radiate your glory! You have set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a joyful bridegroom from his wedding canopy. May we emerge from night’s waiting with such rampant joy that we too radiate your glory throughout this day. In the name of the Son of righteousness who has risen with healing in his wings. Amen. Song of PraiseConfess, Forgive, Be ForgivenSend a text to a couple of people. Make a call. Who comes to mind for you? Wish them well. More than that, wish them the peace that comes with justice. Then click below. The WordGod who speaks, your law is perfect, reviving the soul; your commandment is clear, enlightening the eyes. May your Spirit illumine this Word that our eyes may be opened and our souls revived. Amen. Isaiah 5:1-7 † Psalm 80:7-15 † Philippians 3:4b-14 † Matthew 21:33-46 *In the season after Pentecost (also known as Ordinary Time, or "Proper" Sundays, the first reading can follow one of two tracks—either a semi-continuous track that stays with a story over a number of Sundays or a paired track that companions more closely the gospel reading. This season we are mostly using the paired readings. Sing a PsalmReflectionSong of ResponseThanksgivingIf you haven’t already, set the elements—some bread, some juice or wine—in the room or space where you worship in these days with our faith community. Add flowers—something beautiful, something humane, and add something that points to bigger things—justice and goodness, generosity and renewal. If a joy or a concern has come to mind, please share it with the assembly here so you do not carry it alone. These will be shared by email to our St Andrew prayer list so that we pray for what you hold by name. This information is emailed to a curated group, not shared or posted online in a searchable form. As we respond to God's grace and new life, consider those ways you can express gratitude, thanksgiving and blessing. And remember that we continue to keep our financial commitments to our mission partners and staff. Thank you for remembering to send in your financial pledges and offerings. Sending SongCharge and Blessing
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