Were not our hearts burning within us? The gospel today brings us that familiar story from Luke of the two disciples on the road trying to make sense of a dizzying series of events, when they are joined by a traveling companion who turns out to be the risen Christ. At first it seems this “stranger” is the one out of touch: “Haven't you been watching the news? Do you not know who are leaders are and what they’re up to? ... And where’s your mask?” How quickly things turn around! We look for Jesus where he isn’t, and it turns out he’s right in front of us, leading us back to what saves us. “Were not our hearts burning within us?” What is it that makes for life? What is worth dying for, or better, living for? These are the questions we are confronted with today in worship and in these days of pandemic. Personal testimony, the scriptures, the breaking of the bread—what do you need to pull you back to the center and fullness of life? How about our corporate life? What do we need to be saved? Set your space for worship and then enter in. What elements do you find essential today? Surely your daily bread, wine or juice, a community, something beautiful. The elements of survival. What we need to thrive. PreludeAs we gather, we remember that in our Sunday worship this is a time to also gather our joys and concerns. If you have a prayers you would like to share, please do so here. These will be shared by email to our St Andrew prayer list so that we pray for what you hold by name. This information is not shared online in a searchable form. Gathering Song: “Come into God’s Presence
Praise: “Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia”Take a moment. Breathe. Give thanks—for the earth, especially this week! For the earth and its gifts to us, for shelter, for human caring and contact, for inspiring generosity, for our life together as a church and as a human family. Bless. Bless one another. Bless our weakest and most vulnerable. Bless those who don’t deserve it. The peace of Christ be with you! Now, bless someone else. Send a text to a couple of people. Make a call. Who comes to mind for you? Wish them well. More than that, wish them peace. Then click below. Reflect on the WordLord, you opened the meaning of the Scriptures to the disciples on the road to Emmaus and set their hearts ablaze. By the power of your Spirit kindle our hearts as we hear your word proclaimed, that we may receive you with joy. Amen. Acts 2:14a, 36-41 † Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 † 1 Peter 1:17-23 † Luke 24:13-35 MeditationSing in Response: “Day of Arising”Gather at the Table; Give ThanksEaster season scripture texts are filled with eating and drinking. Today it is certainly so. Gather the elements you need—some bread, a cracker and some juice, a glass of wine—whatever is common in your household, and then join us in giving thanks. If you have a joy or concern you would like to share, please do so here. These will be shared by email to our St Andrew prayer list so that we pray for what you hold by name. This information is not shared online in a searchable form. As we respond to God's grace and new life, consider those ways you can express gratitude and thanksgiving even, and especially, where you are! And remember that we continue to keep our financial commitments to our mission partners and staff. Please remember to send in your financial pledges and offerings. Sending Song: “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine!”Blessing and ChargeAs we go into the week following the one who knows the way from death to life, may we be the hand that heals and the ears that listen with patience. May we be the feet that stand with the oppressed and the mouth that speaks truth. May we be the eyes that see the holy in all people and the heart that is full of life. Remember. And may the Spirit of Christ reign in our hearts. Amen.
1 Comment
Pat Sharpe
4/26/2020 10:20:13 am
Assurance that Christ is with us, even in our solitude ~ Thanks be to God!
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