If you would like to share a particular joy or concern, please do so here. These will be shared by email to our St Andrew prayer list so that we pray for what you hold by name. This information is not shared online in a searchable form. Gathering SongGatherLord Christ, open our eyes to see clearly the light of the world. Holy Spirit, illumine our minds to perceive God’s glory shining among us. Almighty God, prepare our hearts to see, to trust, to worship the Messiah. Song of AssuranceReflect on the WordGracious God, through your word, illumine our hearts and minds so that by the power of your Holy Spirit we may see what is good and right and true. And seeing, help us to do what is pleasing to you, so that your glory becomes visible in our words and deeds. Amen. 1 Samuel 16:1-13 † Psalm 23 † Ephesians 5:8-14† John 9:1-41 The PsalmReflectionFor a text version of this week's reflection, follow this link. Otherwise, watch below. Sing in ResponsePrayer of Thanksgiving and Prayers of the PeopleBeloved of God, know that your prayers are held by this community, and heard by God. If you would like to share a particular joy or concern please do so here, These will be shared by email to our St Andrew prayer list so that we pray for what you hold by name. This information is not shared on-line in a searchable format.
Trusting your faithfulness O God, we bring before you the cares of our hearts, entrusting all things to your goodness and mercy. We pray for all those all those affected by Covid-19 and other illnesses. Help us find creative and meaningful ways to reach out and bring healing to our spirits that in our physical absence from each other we may recover what is essential and remember that we are not forsaken. We pray for people living precariously: those living in the midst of war; those without shelter or adequate food; those who are lonely and forgotten. We pray for your creation: that all your creatures may have clean water to drink and wholesome food to eat. And that this world may flourish. We pray for all that is held in joy or concern by the people of St Andrew. Hear the prayers that are brought to you in this silence and the quiet moments of our days. God our shepherd and our hope, pursue us all with your goodness and faithful love, until goodness and faithful love fills every heart and informs every action. We pray these things in the name of the one who came that we might see, and who taught us to pray: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Blessing and ChargeYou are held in the tenderness of God, You are restored by the affirming words of Christ, You are empowered by the love of Spirit. Do you see it? Go into this day and this new week alive to possibilities and alert to the callings of compassion. May the love of God pursue you, the light of Christ enfold you, and the Holy Spirit keep you; as you dwell in the presence of the Lord your whole life long. EngageONLINE FELLOWSHIP GATHERING: SUNDAY 3PM It the does heart good to be able to see and check in with some of those from whom must be physically separated during this time. With this in mind, St Andrew will host an online fellowship time this Sunday at 3pm. If you have an internet connection and a computer with a webcam and microphone you can connect. Most laptops have built in webcams and microphones – so give it a shot. If you do not have these things you can join by phone. Here are the steps:
If you do not have a computer with a webcam or microphone, then call this number (346) 248 7799. You will be asked to enter this number 837 675 506 ending with #. You will be connected to the meeting and can talk with the group. You can also participate on a smart cell phone using this link: +13462487799,,837675506#. If we are lucky this will be a busy meeting – lots of familiar faces and voices. Maggie will moderate things just so that we can all check in; say hi to her when you arrive and she will welcome you. Looking forward to seeing and/or hearing you on Sunday. We miss you! Other Ways to EngageAs we continue to seek ways to connect with one another while apart, here are some ideas you might consider:
1. If you need to catch up on what's happening at St. Andrew, you can find links to our newsletter archive here. And if you're not receiving the newsletter, you can subscribe. 2. If you're not receiving the separate St. Andrew Prayers email, you can email Patti Warden and be added. 3. Take a picture of you're at-home worship space and share it. 4. Download the Connections resources for kids here. 5. Or just reach out to someone you're missing. Give them a call or video chat and check in. You can find the directory here (password protected).
Pat Sharpe
3/22/2020 10:33:27 am
Thanks again for guiding us through this unfamiliar experience. Seeing the faces of Scott, Maggie, Julie Kae, Pete, Ali, Melet, Molly, and Bob brought a smile to my invisible face!
Pat Kinlen
3/23/2020 12:11:53 pm
Many thanks to everyone to pull this together. Its been almost 5 years since I attended worship in person and yesterday's virtual session brought back many wonderful memories. I will stay tuned.
3/25/2020 03:21:02 pm
This was lovely. Thanks so much for putting
Michael Dittmar
3/27/2020 11:10:03 am
Like many of you, Jan and I have been staying at home working on projects around the house. During the nice weather, we’ve been out pruning trees and shrubs since many of our plants have become too big for our yard space. One tree next to our front patio seating area got pruned fairly severely. After a few days, we began to see wet spots on the ground under the tree. We then noticed sap was dripping from the pruned limb ends. It was like the tree was weeping from the severe setback. Yet even through all the weeping, the tree determinedly was putting out new growth trying to recover. It is nature.
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