OCTOBER 30, 2016
About 10 minutes after worship ends, we’ll gather together for Aftertalk. We hope you’ll join us! Bring your questions, stories, insights, doubts, musings, imaginings and whatever else you need. Join us for some fellowship, laughter and ample space for reflection and real questions to help us reflect on the implications of our faith and make the transition from worship to world. Readings for this Sunday: Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4 • Psalm 119: 137-144 • 2 Thess 4: 1- 4 • Luke 19:1-10 Be Thou My Vision Many who grew up in the church know the song: Zacheus was a wee little man.... Zacheus went out on a limb - literally climbed a tree to see Jesus. Jesus' vision for the world caught him. A vision of a world where riches are shared and folks are treated fairly. We don't know how the story ends. Did Zaccheus keep hold of the vision? Did he act on it? That's maybe one of the questions for this Sunday. How do we keep to the vision of shalom - peace of earth? How do we faithfully act on it amidst all that life brings?
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