It the does heart good to be able to see and check in with some of those from whom must be physically separated during this time. With this in mind, St Andrew will host an online fellowship time on Sundays at 11:30am. If you have an internet connection and a computer with a webcam and microphone you can connect. Most laptops have built in webcams and microphones – so give it a shot. If you do not have these things you can join by phone. Here are the steps:
Make yourself your favorite drink and maybe grab a cookie.
Click on this link.
Your internet browser will open and this box will pop up:
Make yourself your favorite drink and maybe grab a cookie.
Click on this link.
Your internet browser will open and this box will pop up:
Click on Open Zoom Meetings and then this box will show up:
Add your name and click on “Join Meeting”.
Another box will appear. This time, press the button that says “Join with Computer Audio”.
Your face will appear on the screen. Smile! This is what others can see.
Say something to test whether others can hear you. If it seems they can’t hear you, or you can’t hear them, then move your mouse to the bottom of the screen until some controls appear.
Make sure you are not on mute and then click on the arrow next to the mute button. Here you can play with the settings until you can be heard. Also check your computer volume settings.
There is a chat button on the bottom of the screen too. Scott or another facilitator may use this to help you troubleshoot.
Don’t be afraid of having to troubleshoot: we will help each other.
If it doesn’t work and you find yourself frustrated and giving up, please reach out to Scott or Julie Kae (and we have a large group of St. Andrew folks who are now familiar with Zoom and can help; ask around!).
If you do not have a computer with a webcam or microphone, then call this number (346) 248 7799. You will be asked to enter this number 164 833 586 ending with #. You will be connected to the meeting and can talk with the group. You can also participate on a smart cell phone using this link: +13462487799, 164833586#.
These can be busy and fun meetings – lots of familiar faces and voices. Scott, Julie Kae, or Andrea will moderate things just so that we can all check in; say hi when you arrive and join in!
Looking forward to seeing and/or hearing you on Sunday. We miss you!
Other Ways to Engage
As we continue to seek ways to connect with one another while apart, here are some ideas you might consider:
1. If you need to catch up on what's happening at St. Andrew, you can find links to our newsletter archive here. And if you're not receiving the newsletter, you can subscribe.
2. If you're not receiving the separate St. Andrew Prayers email, you can email Patti Warden and be added.
3. Take a picture of you're at-home worship space and share it.
4. Download the Connections resources for kids here.
5. Or just reach out to someone you're missing. Give them a call or video chat and check in. You can find the directory here (password protected).
Pat Sharpe ( [email protected] )
Another box will appear. This time, press the button that says “Join with Computer Audio”.
Your face will appear on the screen. Smile! This is what others can see.
Say something to test whether others can hear you. If it seems they can’t hear you, or you can’t hear them, then move your mouse to the bottom of the screen until some controls appear.
Make sure you are not on mute and then click on the arrow next to the mute button. Here you can play with the settings until you can be heard. Also check your computer volume settings.
There is a chat button on the bottom of the screen too. Scott or another facilitator may use this to help you troubleshoot.
Don’t be afraid of having to troubleshoot: we will help each other.
If it doesn’t work and you find yourself frustrated and giving up, please reach out to Scott or Julie Kae (and we have a large group of St. Andrew folks who are now familiar with Zoom and can help; ask around!).
If you do not have a computer with a webcam or microphone, then call this number (346) 248 7799. You will be asked to enter this number 164 833 586 ending with #. You will be connected to the meeting and can talk with the group. You can also participate on a smart cell phone using this link: +13462487799, 164833586#.
These can be busy and fun meetings – lots of familiar faces and voices. Scott, Julie Kae, or Andrea will moderate things just so that we can all check in; say hi when you arrive and join in!
Looking forward to seeing and/or hearing you on Sunday. We miss you!
Other Ways to Engage
As we continue to seek ways to connect with one another while apart, here are some ideas you might consider:
1. If you need to catch up on what's happening at St. Andrew, you can find links to our newsletter archive here. And if you're not receiving the newsletter, you can subscribe.
2. If you're not receiving the separate St. Andrew Prayers email, you can email Patti Warden and be added.
3. Take a picture of you're at-home worship space and share it.
4. Download the Connections resources for kids here.
5. Or just reach out to someone you're missing. Give them a call or video chat and check in. You can find the directory here (password protected).
Pat Sharpe ( [email protected] )